mo-pin-ett 2019
“Active imagination is to be understood as a way or method to heal, raise and transform the personality.”
- Carl Jung
Key words: spontaneous, imagination, tufting, weaving, wearable, reflection
Mo-pin-ett is the result of a spontaneous creative process built on the idea of channeling ones “active imagination.” The technique “active imagination,” works to bridge the gap between the conscious and unconscious thoughts. The result of Mo-pin-ett is a collection of wearable articles created in deep shades of blue, black and white. The colors symbolize the potential depths of ones imagination and unconscious. Each article is simple in form however can be worn in a couple of different ways. The simple form combined with the tufted patterning portrays imagination and malleability. When ones mind is completely blank free of judgmental and exterior influences, that is when ones imagination is most active. By stepping back from our everyday routine and reflecting on our dreams we have the most chance of coming up with new ideas. To restrict ourselves from our imagination is to give in to social stresses and anxieties. I believe that if you do not let yourself be free to wonder you can not listen to your surroundings and make clear choices. It is my feeling that reflecting on moments of calm and relaxation through creativity can better reflect and decide what footprints we want to leave on the world.