MULCH, 2020
Keywords: wool, tufting, hydroponics, textiles, wearables
Looking into the future, based on a practice surrounding the merging of different textures and interdisciplinary backgrounds in textiles, “Mulch” focuses on the critical concept of “what if our clothes grew?” Researching hydroponics with wool as a growing medium to reflect on how we live with our garments, and encouraging a deepening of our connection with our textiles. An idea that can allow us to think about our objects in a different way.
m- making
u- unity
l- local
c- community
h- home
Looking at our personal wardrobes to encourage a change in how we approach and think of our textile artifacts, through a critical lens of enlightening the fact that the fabrics that we touch to our skin are either synthetic polymers that are detrimental to or stem from a natural fiber that grew in the soil. The latter is the area this project “stems” from.