Since we have time, 2021
Keywords: participation, stories, sharing, probes, co-design, creation, game board, kit, quilt, table, digital connection, embodied, experiences, narrative.
In the spring of 2021, 2 co-creators from the Purdy Pavillion came together with Annika, Mia, and Daniel from Emily Carr University of Art and Design to create a project based on their stories and experiences. We spent six weeks getting to know each other through games like “To The Moon”, “Guess the Song” and Jeopardy. While playing “To The Moon”, we learned a lot about the important items in each other’s lives and spaces, as well as why we care about them, where they came from and why we cherish them. From this, we all came with our favorite song to play for each other. We all really enjoyed getting to guess everyone’s song and learn about the memories and ties to those songs. As a reflection of this, during Jeopardy, we made a song together based on the cards and questions we all picked. We learned even more about each other’s daily lives, dreams, families, friends, and careers. Throughout all of this, we laughed, learned, and wanted to find a way to share our experiences and stories with others. We hope this project can be used to create new stories of other people’s lived experiences and memories. As a team of co-designers, we created a quilt and game board table tray that our co-creators now hold. They can now use them to further share their stories and learn more about those around them through the prompts. As a group, we wanted to make something that would allow others to experience the joy of getting to know someone in new ways, similarly to the way we enjoyed getting to know each other through our stories. Based on a spontaneous comment said through one of our zoom probe sessions this project is called “Since We Have Time”.
The placement of the squares on the game board matches the placement of the notes for the song, so we borrowed the name as well. Within each square are prompts that might lead you to learn similar things to what we as a group of co-designers learned about each other. Each of the illustrations was inspired by stories that we learned and exchanged. There are four empty squares that are meant for new prompts.