unraveled 2019
“creating clothing that provides a frame for life to unfold within”
-Kate Fletcher, Craft of Use, 2016
Key words: assembly, life cycle, local, modification, re-purposing, non-sew, relationship
Focused on designing for a post growth economy “Unraveled” reshapes how we consider the assembly and life cycle of our garments. The project examines how we can locally extend the life of clothing through enabling post consumption modification and re-purposing of existing materials through felting, and pattern drafting. Enabling the owner and garments to grow together. The garment is hand felted together. The project recognizes an opportunity to pattern draft and design in a way that allows the relationship between the user and the garment to evolve over time.
In collaboration with Karson Leigh.

As a team of 2, we unraveled 100% wool sweaters collected from Value Village in East Vancouver that were unwearable (gone through the wash etc.). We separated the fibers of the unraveled yarn using a carder and then in a spontaneous process felted the fibers together into a large piece of material using a felting loom. We hand felted the new material into a jacket.