what the eyes say
Key words: literacy, body language, interaction, ritual, engagement, eye contact
The usage of emojis and texting has evolved to holographic projections in order to compensate for the lack of literacy around body language. The result is a further dehumanized interaction in space, and a strictly visual understanding of body language. It is therefore urgent to understand the terms and conditions that apply to the social contract of kinesics. As well as what it means to be physically present in a space, interacting face to face. In a world where alone together is the norm, rehearsing eye contact becomes a ritual for practicing engagement. How can we reconnect with the essence of being present in a space? What social contracts do we unconsciously adhere to? How do these social contracts affect our mutual interaction and ability to read each other's subtle movements?
In collaboration with Maggie Liu, Rain, Kelly Sun, Esther, & Vicky

This was a one week project intensive. The goal was to create a concept around ritual and technology. The creative process evolved from research, mind mapping, and prototyping to the development of the final artifact.